Sleep and the immune system


In this article I would like to talk about sleep and the effect of sleep (or the lack of it) on your body and mind. Getting enough sleep is actually a very important and underrated aspect when it comes to general health. Many studies have shown that sleep deprivation suppresses the function of the immune system. A simple cold already makes us want to sleep more and sleep loss and sleep disturbance is associated with many chronic diseases including diabetes and cancer.

Getting adequate and quality sleep is probably one of the most overlooked and underrated topics related to health and overall well being.
Almost anyone suffers from the negative effects of not getting enough or proper sleep once in a while. There are many people getting only a few hours of sleep a night. It looks like the standard has dropped and getting a few hours of sleep should be enough for the hard working hectic life we live.
The opposite is true. Sleep is very important for many chemical processes in the body and has a mayor effect on your endocrine (hormonal) system which on its turn has many effects on your health.

Research has concluded that there is a complex relationship between our sleep-wake cycles and our immune system. Certain disease fighting hormones, proteins and chemicals are released or created during sleep. When we are (chronically) deprived of sleep our immune systems automatically have less of these substances produced/released to work with.

Also, when your body is deprived of sleep, specific white blood cells (granulocytes) react immediately to the physical stress of sleep loss and directly mirror the body’s stress response. Cortisol levels will rise due to the stress response, which will lower your immune system and will put your body in a state of alertness which makes it harder to fall asleep. This can become a negative spiral. Long-term raised cortisol levels have many health disadvantages and are associated with breast cancer.
First let’s look at your night’s sleep that is divided in different stages:

Stage 1: Settling in. Still easy to wake up.
Stage 2: Light sleep, harts rate slows down and body temperature drops, preparing for deep sleep.
Stage 3: Deep sleep. If wakened you would feel disorientated for a bit.

After stage 3 you go into REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This is the moment you usually dream. After REM sleep you start with stage 1 again moving into a new cycle of Non-REM sleep stages. Each cycle usually takes 90 to 110 minutes so (ideally) you complete a couple of these cycles a night.

Sleep Stage 3 is when our bodies are working to restore themselves.  During this time our muscles relax and the blood supply going to the muscles increases.  Our bodies use this time to repair tissue damage and grow new tissue.  Important hormones are released and our energy is renewed.  So this stage is a critical factor in maintaining a healthy immune system.

So what happens in the endocrine system during sleep?

The pituitary gland plays a major role in the release of hormones, explains:

“The release of hormones by the pituitary — the “master” endocrine organ that controls the secretion of other hormones from the peripheral endocrine glands — is markedly influenced by sleep. Modulation of pituitary-dependent hormonal release is partly mediated by the modulation of the activity of hypothalamic-releasing and/or hypothalamic-inhibiting factors controlling pituitary function. During sleep, these hypothalamic factors may be activated (e.g. Growth Hormone) or inhibited (e.g. corticotrophin-releasing hormone).”

So some hormones are released while others are intentionally inhibited during sleep.

“The other pathway by which sleep affects peripheral endocrine regulation is via the modulation of autonomic nervous system activity. During deep sleep, sympathetic nervous system activity is generally decreased and parasympathetic nervous system activity is increased. Sleep loss is associated with an elevation of sympathovagal balance, with higher sympathetic but lower parasympathetic tone. Most endocrine organs are sensitive to changes in sympathovagal balance. Well-documented examples are pancreatic insulin secretion and release by the fat cells of leptin, an appetite-suppressing hormone.


What substances play a role?

“Sleep restriction and sleep deficit increase your vulnerability to disease. Sleep in both perfectly healthy people and in sick people is regulated partly by immune system components called cytokines .”

Cytokines are small secreted proteins produced by the immune system, they have a specific effect on the interactions and communications between cells. There are both pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
“Interleukin-1 beta (IL1) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) promote non-rapid eye movement sleep under physiological and inflammatory conditions.” This means that the pro-inflammatory cytokines are active during stage 3 sleep but this inflammatory state is a good thing because it supports the immune system by enhancing the body’s immune ability to response adequately. This inflammatory system, when you’re getting enough sleep, is balanced by the anti-inflammatory hormone, cortisol.

“During sleep specific immune cells peak in concentration such as T-cells, antigen presenting cells, prolactin and growth hormone. Blood counts of T-cells and Helper T cells and levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines are high during the night while leukocytes and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 goes up during daytime.”  

T cells are a type of lymphocyte (white blood cell) produced in the thymus. They make up part of the immune system. T-cells help the body fight diseases or harmful substances, such as bacteria or viruses. This mechanism allows killer T-cells to hunt down and destroy cells that are infected with germs or that have become cancerous. Helper T cells do not directly kill infected cells, as cytotoxic T cells do. Instead they help activate cytotoxic T cells and macrophages to attack infected cells, or they stimulate B cells to secrete antibodies. Helper T cells become activated by interacting with antigen-presenting cells, such as macrophages.
It’s clear that white blood cells are a very important component in the immune system and we know that GcMAF activates the macrophages of certain immune cells.


What hormones play a role?

Sleep promoting hormones are: Melatonin, Estrogen, Progesteron, Growth hormone, Prolactin
Sleep disturbing hormones are: Corstisol, Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone CRH, Adrenaline and other catecholamines (catecholamines are hormones made by the adrenal glands and released into the blood when a person is under growthhormonephysical or emotional stress. Dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine are catecholamines too).
Other hormones and processes affected by sleep: Serotonin, Leptin, Grehlin, blood sugar.
When your body is deprived of sleep, specific white blood cells (granulocytes) react immediately to the physical stress of sleep loss and directly mirror the body’s stress response. Cortisol levels will rise due to the stress response, which will lower your immune system and will put your body in a state of alertness which makes it harder to fall asleep. This can become a negative spiral. Long-term raised cortisol levels have many health disadvantages and are associated with breast cancer. Below, I will explain a bit more about some of the hormones named above.

Cortisol is a stress hormone (together with CRH, adrenaline and other catecholamines) and produced by the adrenal glands. Normally your cortisol levels peak in the early morning dropping towards the night. In periods of physical or mental stress your cortisol levels are elevated.

Cortisol levels go up when the pituitary gland releases another hormone (ACTH). One of its many functions is to reduce inflammation. When your immune system responds to a pathogen or toxin this causes inflammation, which is a good thing (short term). In those with healthy immune and endocrine systems, cortisol works to moderate the inflammation caused by an immune system response, but it does not completely eliminate it.
As cortisol suppresses the ability of white blood cells to secrete chemical messengers, the different varieties of immune-system cells become unable to communicate with each other in a way that would allow them to more effectively fight off infections. Finally, and most remarkably, is the fact that cortisol can actually act as a signal to many immune-system cells to simply shut off and stop working.
So when your cortisol level is high it suppresses the immune system. This is how chronic stress (thus chronically raised cortisol levels) influences the immune system so health problems arise or increases symptoms of already existing disease. This is why you want your cortisol levels generally low and controlled.

Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter produced in the brain and GI-tract (80%) and widely known as the chemical that is responsible for maintaining mood balance. Serotonin production is also influenced by light, exercise and diet. Serotonin’s role is to regulate signal intensity and efficacy. It’s used by all kinds of nerve cells all over the body, and serotonin levels can dramatically alter our behavior. Levels too high can lead to sedation, whereas low levels are associated with debilitating psychiatric conditions and depression. But serotonin also plays a major role in the gut, in amounts way higher than in the brain.
Lack of sleeping negatively affects our brains neuronal signaling, including how it responds to serotonin.Sleep deprivation has been shown to desensitize serotonin pathways, meaning that consistent lack of sleep has a negative impact on our brain’s response to serotonin in general.
Balanced serotonin levels are important and preferably accumulated in a way done by your own body’s processes (sleep cycle, daylight exposure, exercise and diet). However there are some supplements that can help you increase your serotonin levels namely: 5-HTP. I’ll talk a bit more about 5-THP later on.


Sad man holding pillow
Sleep deprivation is very common nowadays

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in response to darkness. Melatonin is

produced from serotonin (made from 5-HTP which on its turn is synthesized from tryptophan), through a cascade of enzymatic reactions. Yet another reason to have optimal serotonin levels.
Studies have shown that melatonin can help with sleep problems:

“In a meta-analysis study performed by Brzezinski, et al. in 2005 that included 15 studies of patients with only insomnia, melatonin treatment was shown to significantly reduce sleep onset latency, increase sleep efficiency and increase sleep duration.”

Melatonin acts by working on the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN; the master clock). It helps to synchronize the circadian rhythm by affecting both the phase and amplitude of the circadian rhythm. Researchers have found that melatonin levels peak around 12 o’clock at night. But in order for you to benefit from this peak of melatonin you should be in a deeper sleep state, thus going to bed around 10pm, at latest 11pm would be the best.

Dosage and use of melatonin supplements should be paid close attention to:

“With regards to the actual administration of melatonin, it has been shown that the timing of melatonin administration, and not so much the actual dosage, is crucial in producing the best results; this is secondary to the normal physiologic function of the circadian rhythm. For example, it was found that when melatonin was administered at bedtime as a “sleeping pill”, it was not effective unless high doses were used, however, when small doses of melatonin were administered to patients about 2 to 4 hours before bedtime, it was shown to be effective in decreasing sleep latency.”

Unlike conventional sleep medicine, administering melatonin has not been found to cause withdrawal or dependence symptoms. However melatonin is still a hormone which should be handled with seconds thoughts, at the bottom of the article at “Supplements” you can read a bit more about supplementing melatonin.


Growth hormone
Human growth hormone (HGH) is an important part of the body’s endocrine system and is especially active in the growing child’s maturation. HGH is released by the brain into the bloodstream during sleep (stage 3 mainly), and its release is part of the repair and restoration function of sleep and therefore very important.

The hormone is a complex protein produced by the pituitary gland in the brain, and in addition to promoting growth in childhood, it helps maintain healthy bodily tissue even during adulthood.  The pituitary gland releases growth hormone non-continuously – the release looks like a pulse.  Sleep and exercise induce the release of the hormone.

In normal healthy people, the major period of HGH release is in the first period of Stage 3 sleep during the night. Exercise and sleep are closely related to your HGH levels and when cortisol rises, HGH decreases, indicating that cortisol inhibits the secretion of HGH.

From middle aged on, the brain starts producing lower quantities of growth hormone, but it won’t stop the production. There are people that supplement HGH to keep the body young. However I do not suggest supplementing HGH, it’s still a hormone and it can interfere and destroy your body’s own capacity of production and hormonal balance. Instead, find ways like exercise (high intensity exercise – or HITT exercise – has been related to increasing HGH levels) and a better sleep cycle to naturally increase your HGH levels.

Leptin, Ghrelin & Blood glucose
Leptin is a hormone released by the fat cells that signals satiety to the brain and thus suppresses appetite, it is markedly dependent on sleep duration. Ghrelin is a peptide that is secreted by the stomach and stimulates appetite. explains here:

“The temporal organization of the release of the counterregulatory hormones growth hormone (GH) and cortisol as well as the release of hormones that play a major role in appetite regulation, such as leptin and ghrelin, is partly dependent on sleep timing, duration and quality.”


Sleep restriction was associated with reductions in leptin (the appetite suppressant) and elevations in ghrelin (the appetite stimulant) and increased hunger and appetite, especially an appetite for foods with high-carbohydrate contents (this correlates with serotonin, mainly found in high-carb foods). continues:

“Sleep loss therefore seems to alter the ability of leptin and ghrelin to accurately signal caloric need and could lead to excessive caloric intake when food is freely available. The findings also suggest that compliance with a weight-loss diet involving caloric restriction may be adversely affected by sleep restriction.”


But furthermore, insufficient sleep can lower your glucose tolerance. Researchers have found that when people do not enter the deep sleep stage (stage 3) for several days insulin sensitivity and the ability to break down glucose went down by 25%!

Diseases connected to chronic sleep deprivation:

  • Auto immune diseaseseffectssleepdeprivation
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer (due to impaired immune system)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Depression
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Sudden infant death syndrome
  • Lupus (and other skin problems like eczema)
  • Impaired brain activity and memory


Or connected to the circadian cycle in general:

  • ADHD
  • Ulcerative colitis (and other GI-tract diseases)
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Asthma
  • Epilepsy

For certain there are more conditions not named above that are connected to the sleep cycle, which isn’t surprising if you consider the fact that most diseases arise from an impaired immune system and that poor sleep and lack of sleep is a key player in impairing your immune system.

What can you do?

  • Go to bed early (preferably before 10pm/11pm)
  • Make sure to sleep a minimum of 7 hours per night (optimal 8-9 hours)
  • Make sure to be exposed to enough daylight every day
  • Go for a walk outside every day (preferably in nature and even better when the sun shines!)
  • Get enough exercise (think about altering cardio and HIIT)
  • Do not eat refined sugars (especially not 3 hours before bedtime!)
  • Have a healthy diet (not just for your sleep. See Diet below for foods containing tryptophan)
  • Shut down any blue lights 2 hours before sleep (laptops, television, phones. Try it, it works!)
  • Do some low intensity yoga or meditation before bed (avoid real exercise that releases endorphin’s)
  • Supplements (consider this if the above on its own isn’t helping enough, see Supplements below)


We know the importance of serotonin for many processes in both the brain and the GI-tract. Serotonin is biochemically derived from the amino acid tryptophan. There are certain foods naturally high in tryptophan like: meat, poultry, milk, yogurt, egg, fish, bananas and peanuts. The foods they found the highest mg of this amino acid are:

  • Game meat
  • Sea weed, spirulina
  • Spinach
  • Egg
  • Seeds, sesame
  • Fish
  • Soy protein
  • Watercress
  • Poultry
  • Banana

To improve the uptake of tryptophan into the brain, carbohydrates are required. After the ingestion of carbohydrates, the body releases insulin in response. Fortunately, insulin drives valine, leucine and isoleucine (but not tryptophan) into the cells of the body. Therefore, the proportion of tryptophan among the amino acids left in the blood is increased and this increases the chances of tryptophan crossing into the brain. People on a low carb diet should try to combine the carbohydrates they do eat with the tryptophan containing foods for optimal absorption.5HTP



5-HTP supplement
Is a chemical by product from tryptophan (to make it yet more complicated).
Tryptophan is first converted to 5-hydroxytryptophan or 5-HTP which is then converted to
serotonin (or 5 HT) in the brain.
Food –> Tryptophan –> 5-HTP –> Serotonin –> Melatonin.

5-HTP is available as a dietary supplement, but please note: you shouldn’t just take 5-HTP on its own! explains:

“If a person takes only 5-HTP, the production of dopamine (and the rest of the catecholamines, including norepinephrine and epinephrine) will be inhibited, as the enzyme AAAD will be used primarily for the conversion of 5-HTP into serotonin. This means that if you take only 5-HTP without the proper balance of L-dopa (or L-tyrosine) you will decrease the production of all the catecholamines, including dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. This will make any underlying imbalance between serotonin and the catecholamines worse may lead to an exaerbation of your existing symptoms or create new symptoms.”

It is important to take certain amino acids together to maintain a balance and not provoke other symptoms due to less production of other neurotransmitters. Please do your research before starting supplementing 5-HTP!

Melatonin Supplement
Melatonin is the hormone that sets your clock. This means supplementing melatonin does tie into sleep patterns but not help you maintain sleep through the night. The main concern with melatonin supplements is that it basically is hormone therapy. And as with all hormone therapy’s, it messes with your glands and over time could disable them to function properly. Also, it turns out there hasn’t been done enough scientific study to really backup the efficacy of supplementing melatonin. Could this just be another money maker?
I’m not sure, therefore my recommendation would be to up your melatonin levels through diet as discussed above and maybe by supplementing 5-HTP (but only if you have researched it) and stay away from melatonin supplements.

Magnesium Supplement
Magnesium is an important mineral and many people are deficient in magnesium due to the fact that our soil is getting more and more magnesium (and other minerals) depleted.

“Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant. It accomplishes this by moving calcium out of the muscles, and back into the bloodstream where it can be mobilized elsewhere.” – The Sleep Solution

Magnesium is easy to supplement. Because ingestion isn’t always absorbed effectively my suggestion would be to apply magnesium oil on your skin every night before bed (or after exercise for the athletes among us, it is great for your muscles!). Another option are Epson salt baths, great for your skin and detoxification too.

Valerian Supplement
Valeriana officinalis is a medicinal herb used since at least the time of ancient Greece and Rome. Outcome of research study’s and opinions differ. explains:


“In the brain, valerian is thought to bind to receptors for a nerve chemical called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). By blocking some nerve impulses from reaching the brain, the herb seems to shorten the amount of time it takes to fall asleep as well as improve the quality of sleep that resultsIn addition to promoting sound sleep, valerian has a reputation for easing anxiety and relaxing tense muscles. It may also have a role to play in relieving digestive conditions, such as diverticulosis and irritable bowel syndrome”.


A freeze-dried extract may be the most effective form of the herb. Dosages differ too, do some research before trying valerian and just build up progressively. It’s always better to go low and slow.


Good sleep and the GcMaf connection

The GcMaf protein activates the macrophages (monocyte, white blood cell) in your blood and tissue, and the macrophages will support your immune system by eliminating the harmful pathogens and cells present. If you maintain proper sleep you help strengthen your immune system and therefore support the GcMaf therapy. One is taking GcMaf to help the immune system fight a disease in the first place right? So anything that supports your body’s immune system supports GcMaf therapy. If you manage to strengthen your immune system (even if it’s just a bit) by getting better sleep (thus allowing healing properties of stage 3 sleep during the night), the macrophages can focus on the core of the problem without having other minor buggers to fight off (like flu virions, allergens, you name it).



Adequate quality sleep is so incredibly important for many hormonal and metabolic mechanisms in the body! Not only the brain but many other complex systems are involved and affected by sleep throughout the whole body. Many different substances (proteins, hormones, enzymes) and influences (daylight, time sleep is induced, exercise, foods) have their impact on our circadian cycle. It is clear that your immune system suffers greatly when you are not getting enough quality sleep and we can assume it is one of nature’s way of helping our body heal, whether it is from a cold or from a serious disease!
Luckily, there are things we can do to take control of this cycle and balance out all the substances it involves. Start by making small changes and listen to your body (and mind). Try things out and alter, with given time I am positive you can create a healthy circadian cycle that works for you!




The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. All information does not replace advice of your health care provider MD/Dr.

This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date. The statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Low blood cell count and GcMaf

We already know that optimal vitaminD3 and K2 levels are important when using GcMaf and for overall health. If you would like to learn more about vitamin D3 and why you should supplement it read here and read here to learn more about vitamin K2.

Are there other nutrients that could help and support our body’s immune system and that we might be lacking so GcMaf therapy is not as sufficient as it could be? In this article we point out the essential nutrients for healthy blood cell levels and what you could do to increase those.

Anyone that starts GcMaf treatment would want to have stable blood cell count levels (if not optimal). Especially your leukocytes (white blood cells) are crucial as they provide the macrophages that will fight the pathogens and harmful cells in your body.

 blood cells bone marrow

Red and white blood cells are both made in your bone marrow. There are 5 different types of leukocytes divided in granulocytes and agranulocytes.

Granulocytes:                                                                                   Agranulocytes:
– Neutrophils                                                                                     – Lymphocytes
– Basophils                                                                                         – Macrophages
– Eosinophils

granulocytes                                                 macrophage

Granulocytes contains granules that are membrane bound enzymes that act primarily in the digestion of endocytosed particles. Agranulocytes do not contain these granules but contain lysosomes, these are small vesicles containing digestive enzymes that break down any foreign matter that is endocytosed (engulfing and consuming) by the cell.

The de-glycosylated Vitamin D Binding Protein administered in GcMaf treatment will activate the macrophages in your blood and body tissues without being stopped by possible Nagalase when present. Macrophages are the biggest of the white blood cells and are monocytes that have migrated out of the blood stream and into the body tissues. They take up and destroy necrotic cell debris and foreign material including viruses, bacteria, and tattoo ink. They detect virus and cancer cells and chase them until they have engulfed and digested them.
Here is how Dr. Timothy Smith explains it amusingly in his “GcMAF Book”:

“In their quest to kill cancer cells and HIV virons, macrophages extrude clusters of long skinny powerful octopus-like arms that grab onto and then drag their victim in, whereupon they surround, engulf and digest it. They emit free radical rays that Macrophage with bactfry the outer cell membranes of cancer cells and microbes they’ve tracked down. Then they casually spit out the dead parts and move on to the next cancer cell, bacteria or virus”


What is a normal white blood cell count?


“A “normal” WBC (White Blood Cell) count is considered to be approximately 4,500 to 10,000 WBCs per microliter or cubic millimeter (cmm) of blood. A WBC count that is less than 1,000 is low and is considered a primary risk factor for a serious infection. If your WBC count falls below a normal level for an extended period of time, it is called leukopenia.

When the WBC count per blood test is below normal, the culprit is most likely an underlying disease condition. Symptoms can and do vary depending on the exact disease culprit. Surprisingly, some people do not experience any symptoms, but most people experience a wide range of symptoms.

Common disease conditions which cause leukopenia include: autoimmune disorders, various types of infections, congenital disorders, immunodeficiency disorders, infections that constrict bone marrow function, Leukemia, and conventional cancer ‘treatments. Drugs which may cause a low count include antibiotics, diuretics, and antihistamines, to name a few.”
What can you do to increase you white blood cell count?glutamine

Below will follow a list with some of the essential
nutrients for regenerating new blood cells and
supporting the immune system.

All white blood cells require amino acids in order to sustain normal function. Some of the uses of amino acids by white blood cells are very apparent in immune function. For instance, antibodies are proteins, and are therefore made up of amino acids. You have to eat proteins to get the amino acids that your B-lymphocytes use to make antibodies. Even white blood cells that don’t make antibodies, however, need protein; all cells require protein for energy and to make major structural and functional molecules that operate within the cells. Here are some very important amino acids:

  • Glutamine: low levels of glutamine can cause a reduction in B cell differentiation to plasma cells, reduce proliferation of T cells and inefficient phagocytosis.
  • Arginine: In the absence of the arginine protein, a lower number of T helper cells contained their surface receptors. Reduced numbers of receptors on T cells impairs immune function, as there is less interaction and activation of B cells and so a lower number of antibodies produced.
    Arginine is used in the medical world with postoperative surgical patients to return T cell levels to normal.
  • Cysteine: is also important to T cells, as it is a precursor of the tripeptide glutathione. In order for T cell activation and proliferation to occur, their intracellular glutathione content must be increased to sufficient amounts, and without adequate cysteine levels glutathione synthesis is also subsequently limited.
  • CoenzymeQ10: is a vitaminlike fat-soluble antioxidant that is synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine. CoQ10 is an energy-enhancing nutrient that works through promoting immunity by powering the cellular batteries of microbe-devouring macrophages.


Vitamins: B12 & Folic acid
Vitamin B12 and folic acid (folate or B9) are essential vitamins that cannot be produced by the body. They are both required to produce red and white blood cells, repair tissues and cells and synthesize DNA. Vitamin B12 (cholecalciferol only) is also important for normal nerve cell function.
Besides this, B12 deficiency causes anemia, a condition where you have too little red blood cells. If you have too few or abnormal red blood cells, the cells in your body will not get enough oxygen. Cancer cells hate oxygen, therefore you want to make sure you aren’t suffering anemia when battling cancer. Anemia is the most common blood condition in the US and if you are vegan or vegetarian the chances are you are B12 deficient and therefore likely to develop anemia (but even meat eaters can be B12 deficient, the meat of industrial livestock does not contain vitamin B12 due to the conditions they’re raised in).

Vitamins: A, C & E
These are basically strong anti-oxidants. Vitamin E naturally stimulates the production of lymphocytes and B-cells. Vitamin A stimulates the production and activity of white blood cells, takes part in remodeling bone, helps maintain the health of endothelial cells, and regulates cell growth and division. You can get too much preformed vitamin A from supplements however the body can make vitamin A from beta-carotene as needed, and there is no need to monitor intake levels, as there is with preformed vitamin A. Liver is also a good source of vitamin A.
White blood cells use vitamin C to combat infections, and in the face of inflammation or microbial challenge, levels of vitamin C are depleted. You can’t overdose on vitamin C and daily intake should be considered. Because your body can only absorb a certain amount at the time when taken orally for high doses the best options are: Intra Venous vitamin C or liposomal vitamin C.

Minerals: Iron, Manganese, Selenium & Zinc
Iron deficiency paralyzes the immune response. The immune system keeps invading microbes in check by depriving them of iron via a specific immune defense substance called lactoferrin, made in the intestine and found in mothers’ milk. Try to get your iron from food sources, this way you cannot overdose (think of Irish moss, red meat & liver, green leafy vegetables).
Supplementation of manganese has been shown to enhance natural killer cell and macrophage activity.
Researchers now suspect that selenium deficiency may allow viruses to mutate into more dangerous pathogens. One research study states:

“This study indicates that the immune-enhancing properties of selenium in humans are the result, at least in part, of improved activation and proliferation of B-lymphocytes and perhaps enhanced T-cell function.”

Zinc increases the number of killer cells (lymphocytes) and allows white blood cells
to release more antibodies in their fight against the pathogens. Studies show that
zinc supplements slow the growth of cancer and increase the number of infection
fighting T-cells. Watch out as you can overdose on zinc.brazil nuts

Selenium and zinc taken together enhance their effectiveness.
A perfect source of selenium are Brazil nuts. Other nutrients Brazil nuts contain in high levels are: healthy fats, vitamin E, manganese, copper, niacin and zinc.

Herbs: Cat’s claw & Astralagus
Cats claw is an adaptogen and its bark and roots provide most of its immune boosting qualities via oxindole alkaloids. Alkaloids enhance white blood cells’ ability to engulf pathogens and destroy them In laboratory studies, cat’s claw increased the ability of white blood cells to find and eradicate foreign micro-organisms. It also increases the body’s production of T-cells, helping to fight infection more effectively.
Astralagus enhances immune function by increasing the activity of certain white blood cells which increases the production of antibodies (IgA and IgG). It increases the production of interferon (an anti-viral and anti-tumor agent naturally produced by the body) and stimulates natural killer cells. In addition to boosting immunity, Astragalus has antibacterial, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral effects.

These are just two strong immune enhancing herbs but just like with the other nutrients described above there are many more herbs that can have the same regenerating properties.

Many of the nutrients described above are also advised when dealing with cancer and are basically beneficial to anyone to support your immune system and live a healthy life. Deficiencies are very prominent in almost all of us today and supplementing with some of these important minerals, vitamins, proteins and herbs could be a good idea for everyone (and lets also not forget the fats here!).




– The GcMAF Book from Dr. T. Smith



The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. All information does not replace advice of your health care provider MD/Dr.

This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date. The statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.


AMAS Blood Test as a Tumor Marker

bloodtubegoogleThe AMAS blood test is a test developed by Dr. Samuel Bogoch for detecting cancer antibodies in the blood. AMAS stands for Anti Malignin Antibody Serum. This peptide is present in cancer patients and determines the antibody to malign tumors.
Tumor markers are chemicals made by cancers and measurable in the blood, for example CA125 in ovarian cancer and PSA in prostate cancer.

From Dr. Timothy Smith, chapter 13 of the GcMaf book:

“Our immune system recognizes an antigenic protein on the surface of cancer cells. In 1988 Dr. Bogoch discovered this antigen and named it “malignin.” When our immune system identifies the presence of malignin, it starts making anti-malignin antibodies. Dr. Bogoch then developed the AMAS test, which signals the presence of cancer by identifying the presence of anti-malignin antibodies.”

The AMAS antibody is produced by the immune system in response of the antigen “malignin”.
This antibody is present in all people, also healthy persons. Because our immune system is fighting little cancers in our bodies all the time we speak of an elevated AMAS level above a established baseline of 135. This test measures levels of and anti-body instead of measuring antigen.
With this molecular approach to cancer the tumor can be detected before forming a lump of billions of cancerous cells together.

Test reading
In one of the studies found on the website that provides the AMAS test they explain:

“Negative value: ranging from 0-134 µg/ml, while positive determinations where equal or greater than 135 µg/ml. The range of AMAS from 100-134 µg/ml is designated as borderline but designated as normal if confirmed on a second test to be 134 µg/ml or below.”

This would mean that if you have a read of 134 or above that a (early) cancer is detected. This does however not tell you what kind of cancer or where it is located.
At least you know there is something wrong and you can choose to have a biopsy, scan or other test done or just start on an “alternative” protocol right away and test again after a certain time on the protocol. An increased number would indicate a growth or spreading of the tumor and on the contrary a decreased number would indicate remission.
This study suggests that the AMAS test is 99% accurate when the test is done within the 24 hours of the blood been drawn (backed with a 3315 double-blind tests of patients and controls).

This study also says:

“The AMAS test is shown to be sensitive to small primary tumors and carcinoma. All 11 patients with 10 mm or less diameter tumors were positive for the AMAS test (see Table 3).”

The AMAS test can detect tumors as small as a pencil dot which is a major difference with the common tests available. PET scans for example can’t detect tumors smaller than 1 cm.

Another quote from this study states: “This study collectively demonstrates that anti-Malignin is elevated almost regardless of site or cell type of the malignancy.” Therefore making it not just efficient to detect one kind of cancer but any type of cancer, at the same time leaving you uninformed about type and location. This is one of the reasons many doctors do not want to use this test as it makes them uncomfortable and unsure how to help their patients.

To see this study click here

Accuracy of the AMAS test
The next study shows how they repeatedly tested the accuracy of the AMAS test by using “normal healthy control group”, “early detection group” and a “monitoring group”.

In the “normal healthy control group” there was one woman with an elevated test. They found she had cancer of the uterus (confirmed by gynecological cytology). In Table 2 you can see how she was tested repeatedly before, during and after surgery of cancer of the cervix. It shows how the AMAS levels spike up one day before surgery (>377) and then drops 3 months after surgery (from >230 to <65) and stays under the baseline the months after.

The following was found in the “early detection group”:

“Both in the cancer and non-cancer groups of the “early detection group” the AMAS results were in agreement with the histo-pathological findings in all 32 cases. The number of patients found to have cancer out of the number selected on each clinical indication was as follows:

  1. Where symptoms and signs suggested cancer in the differential diagnosis, 48 patients were tested, and of these, 18 cases of cancer (37.5%) were detected.
  2. Where patients requested the test, 10 patients were tested, and of these, 2 cases of cancer (20%) were detected.
  3. Amongst 70 healthy controls tested, 1 case of cancer (1,4%) was detected.”


In the monitoring group the following was found:

“The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology in all monitoring cases.”

“The overall accuracy of the predictive correlation of the AMA level with the clinical status in the monitoring group was 64 of 68 determinations correct (94.1%)”
To read the whole study paper and the conclusions made click here

According to these studies the AMAS test is quite accurate overall.


Conventional health care and AMAS
Like Dr. Timothy Smith says in his chapter about AMAS; “Not knowing a cancer’s name and location tends to drive doctors nuts; “How can you treat a cancer when you don’t know what it is or where it is?”

I would like to comment on a page I found on the net. This is a website where people can ask questions to a doctor via a chat. This “customer” (that indeed is how the pharmaceutical industry likes to see you) asked about the AMAS test because all her siblings were diagnosed with cancer as other family members and she would like a doctors opinion on its effectiveness.
The “doctor” immediately states that the AMAS test has not been proven effective enough according to 2 pages he points out. One of the pages directs you to cancerresearch UK and the other is a study done by Kronos Longevity Research Institute who:were founded by billionaire John Sperling to discover anti-aging products and are trying to research ways to slow down aging.”
The “doctor” continues the conversation by admitting there are no very good test methods available and proceeds by summarizing the conventional test methods and their ineffectiveness to then come to the conclusion that:
Dr. David: “the long and short is that there are no reliable blood tests to predict cancer early.”

His advice is: half yearly mammograms, colonoscopy at age 50, PSA test (for man), HPV testing on pap smears (for women) and annual chest CT scan for smokers. With as a final advice:

Dr. David: “mammogram and ultrasound together have a 90% + sensitivity to picking up breast cancer as well and it is much more studied than AMAS test.”

To me this only proves once again that conventional doctors are so mislead and often short minded. It always saddens me that many of them do not undertake any action to find out the truth of the matter for themselves and completely rely on information and studies provided to them by their “employers” or “source of income” (meaning: pharmaceutical companies).

To read the conversation between “doctor” and “customer” click here

Contras of AMAS
Besides from the allunknowing doctors out there, there are some specialists that really look into the subject and still aren’t in favor of it for several reasons. In the following article a pathologist has some question marks at several statements found in the publications from Oncolab (the AMAS test manufacturer). He looks at the test and its science from different angles and concludes: “advice against basing clinical decisions on the “anti-malignin antibody serum test.””
To view his reasons read article here

The fact that the test is approved by the FDA raises my eyebrows. But considering that the test is rejected in the world of mainstream cancer treatment and research makes it interesting.
Please investigate for yourself and try to find as many testimonials and experiences as possible and always combine it with other tests to not rely only on AMAS testing.

Difference between AMAS and Nagalase
The difference between an AMAS test and the Nagalase test is that AMAS tests specifically on an antibody produced by the immune system in a response of an antigen produced by cancers. This means only cancers can elevate the AMAS levels, whereas Nagalase is an enzyme secreted by both cancers and viruses. So when high Nagalase is measured in the blood it can be due to a tumor producing Nagalase or a virus.


  • The AMAS test can be used to detect early stages of cancerous
    activity (before X-rays, MRI’s and CT or PET scans can).amasnagalasevirus
  • The AMAS test can be used before/instead a biopsy, mammography
    or other uncomfortable tests.
  • The AMAS test can be used as a follow up and control test after
    surgery, chemo, radiation, GcMaf or other treatments.
  • The AMAS test is safe and does not have any harmful side effects
    like other test methods do.
  • AMAS and Nagalase tests together make an efficient check-up procedure.

This way of testing shows to have a lower false-positive and false-negative read than most conventional testing methods. If able to get the test done (especially when covered by your insurance), and alongside other test methods, I don’t see a reason why not using the AMAS test, even if only as a double check-up (read: do not only rely on this test).


Until today the only place you can get an AMAS test is through Oncolab (
You can go to their website and see the FAQ with info on price, insurance and more.
I am not sure whether the test is available for citizens outside the USA.

Hopefully in the near future this test will be available all over the world for a reasonable price or/and included in the health insurance for everyone.

If you decide you want to do an AMAS test click here for some useful info before ordering.  This person has listed some helpful tips and more information on how to proceed.



Chapter 13 of “The GcMAF Book” from Dr. Timothy Smith on AMAS:

Other studies:

Other publications and views on the AMAS test:

Vitamin K

Dairy products isolated on white background

Vitamin K2 (also known as Menaquinone) is recently calling the interests of many researchers and health practitioners, especially in addition to vitamin D3. There are several health benefits associated to proper vitmin K2 levels. It’s main function is the transportation of calcium to the right areas in the body. Doctors have long known that people with a lack of calcium in their bones are more likely to possess an excess of calcium in their arteries, and vice versa. The resulting lack of calcium in bone leads to osteoporosis, while the deposition of calcium in the arterial wall leads to coronary heart disease and other manifestations of cardiovascular, renal, and neurodegenerative disease. This shows there is actually is a strong connection between these two conditions (as unconnected the might seem).
Some 85 years ago, biochemist in Copenhagen discovered the 2 body’s naturally occurring vitamin K’s: vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and vitamin K2 (menaquinone), both fat-soluble but with different properties and characteristics.
Vitamin K1:

  • Fat- soluble.
  • Main function is healthy blood-clotting (activating coagulation factors in the blood).
  • High amounts found in green leafy vegetables.
  • Low total absorption (only +- 10%).
  • Stored in the liver.

Vitamin K2:

  • Fat-soluble
  • Main function is to transport calcium to the places it needs to be (bones) and away from places it shouldn’t be (soft tissues). Also has blood-clotting properties.
  • Mainly made in your gut under influence of a bacteria present in fermented foods. MK-7 (long chain) found in natto (fermented soy) and other fermented vegetables. Low amounts MK-4 (short chain form) found in butter, eggs, cheese and organ meats.
  • Almost complete absorption (+- 90%).
  • Also goes to the liver but redirected to important body parts.
  • Several proteins depend on K2 for activation.

This differences show that it is easy to consume enough vitamin K1 trough diet but that this vitamin is broken down pretty fast (only about 10% reaches circulation) and is not as essential as vitamin K2, which has blood-clotting properties too. It is harder to consume enough vitamin K2 through your diet (especially for vegans) but there is a much higher absorption rate than with vitamin K1.

There are proteins in the body that are dependent on vitamin K2, without it they remain inactivated. The first discovered, Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2, is such a protein. Vitamin K2 is necessary for the manufacturing of blood-clotting proteins in the liver. The next two proteins are considered the most important proteins activated by vitamin K2;
Osteocalcin is a protein activated by vitamin K. This protein is found in bone and teeth. Its main function is bone building. It also acts as a hormone in the body, causing beta cells in the pancreas to release more insulin, and at the same time directing fat cells to release the hormone adiponectin, which increases sensitivity to insulin.

Matrix Gla Protein
Matrix Gla Protein is another protein dependent on the presence of vitamin K. This protein inhibits vascular mineralization and binds with calcium ions. MGP is found in bone, cartilage, heart, and kidney and its production is increased by vitamin D.

According to Professor Cees Vermeer, one of the world’s top vitamin K2 researchers:

“The only mechanism for arteries to protect themselves from calcification is via the vitamin K-dependent protein MGP. MGP is the most powerful inhibitor of soft tissue calcification presently known, but non-supplemented healthy adults are insufficient in vitamin K to a level that 30 percent of their MGP is synthesized in an inactive form. So, protection against cardiovascular calcification is only 70 percent in the young, healthy population, and this figure decreases at increasing age.”

Here is why vitamin K2 is so important for cardiovascular health; because MGP stops calcification and could even regress arterial calcification induced by vitamin K deficiency.

Vitamin D3 and vitamin K2: the correlation
Vitamin D is naturally obtained after sunlight is synthesized through your skin. However many people don’t get enough sunshine in modern life and need to supplement vitamin D3.
Vitamin D provides improved bone development by helping you absorb calcium, but vitamin K2 directs the calcium to your skeleton, while preventing it from being deposited where you don’t want it (organs, joint spaces and arteries). Meanwhile vitamin D3 stimulates the MGP production the vitamin K is needed to activate the MGP (the Matrix Gla Protein) to actually get it functioning. Thus these 2 vitamins correlate with each other.

Vitamin K deficiency
Vitamin K deficiency can be caused by the use of antibiotics which destroy the colonic bacterial synthesis of the vitamin. Also fat mal-absorption can be the cause of a deficiency (for example with celiac disease).
In a small study done in Japan investigators found that this nutrient dramatically reduced the risk of liver cancer.

“40 women who had liver cirrhosis from viral infections, there was a marked difference in
the incidence of liver cancer, with only 2 of 21 developing cancer in the MK-4 group
compared with 9 of 19 in a control group.”

– Habu D, Shiomi S, Tamori A, et al. Role of vitamin K2 in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in women with viral cirrhosis of the liver. JAMA. 2004 Jul 21;292(3):358-61.

In another study it showed that 61 people recovering from surgical removal of hepatocellular carcinoma (liver tumor) using 45mcg of vitamin K2 daily it enhanced the cancer-free survival rate.
In the laboratory (in vitro), vitamin K2 demonstrates inhibitory effects against myeloma and lymphoma, suggesting possible applications for individuals fighting these hematologic cancers.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin and therefore it needs fat to be absorbed by the body (as does vitamin D).

  • Excessive intake of vitamin K leading to toxicity is uncommon and hasn’t been reported so far.


I have copied the following from Dr. Mercola’s website:

Calcium and Vitamin D Without Vitamin K2 May Be Dangerous

If you take calcium and vitamin D but are deficient in vitamin K2, you could be worse off than if you were not taking those supplements at all, as demonstrated by one meta-analysis that linked calcium supplements to heart attacks.
This meta-analysis looked at studies involving people taking calcium in isolation, without complementary nutrients like magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K2, which help keep your body in balance.
In the absence of those other important cofactors, calcium can have adverse effects, such as building up in coronary arteries, initiating excessive clotting and causing heart attacks, which is really what this analysis detected. So if you are going to take calcium, you need to be sure you have balanced it out with vitamin D and vitamin K2.

Food Vitamin K2
Natto (3.5 ounces) 1,000 mcg
Fermented vegetables made with Kinetic Culture (2 ounces) 400-500 mcg
Whole egg mayonnaise 197 mcg
Gouda or Brie cheese (1 ounce) 75 mcg
Miso 10-30 mcg
Lamb or duck (1 cup) 6 mcg
Beef liver (1 cup) 5 mcg                                    Bacillus subtilis
Dark meat turkey (1 cup) 5 mcg
Chicken liver (1 cup) 3 mcg

Also keep in mind that fermented foods contain a wide variety of different bacteria, and only certain ones—such as Bacillus subtilis — actually make vitamin K2.

The different MK’s
There are several different forms of vitamin K2. MK-8 and MK-9 come primarily from fermented dairy products, like cheese. MK-4 and MK-7 are the two most significant forms of K2 and act very differently in your body.
MK-7, which is the form used in the featured study, is a newer agent with more practical applications because it stays in your body longer; its half-life is three days, meaning you have a much better chance of building up a consistent blood level, compared to MK-4 or vitamin K1.
Dr. Vermeer recommends between 45 mcg and 185 mcg daily for adults. You must use caution on the higher doses if you take anticoagulants, but if you are generally healthy and not on these types of medications, opt for 150 mcg a day.


So we can now conclude that MK-7 is the superior form of vitamin K.
All K vitamins are similar in structure, but differ in the length of the side chain. The longer the side chain, the better the effect and efficiency. The long-chain menaquinones (especially MK-7) are the most desirable as they are nearly completely absorbed (and thus the body requires smaller doses) and stay in the blood for the longest time.
Meaning, vitamin K2 is also available for tissues outside the liver, namely bones, arteries and soft tissues.
There are manufactures out there today that have managed to synthesize a nature-identical form of MK-7.
One of those manufactures is MenaQ7. Quoted from their website: “The trans form fits perfectly into the 3D structure of the carboxylase enzyme, enabling activation of the vitamin K dependent proteins.”

Health benefits from vitamin K2:
• Directs calcium into the bones and out of the arteries = Strong bones and teeth
• Reduces arterial calcification = Improved elasticity of arteries and veins
• Improves the nervous system
• Decreases muscles cramps
• Improves insulin resistance


• Vitamin K is a very important vitamin, especially when supplementing vitamin D3.
• Aspire to obtain your vitamin K through your diet when obtaining your vitamin D3 through sunlight or low dose supplementing. A filtered, good grade cod-liver oil contains small amounts of vitamin D and K.
• Definitely supplement vitamin K2 when supplementing vitamin D3 with an illness (i.e. high doses of vitamin D3).
• Definitely supplement vitamin K2 when supplementing calcium!
• Supplement vitamin K2 when suffering from cardiovascular disease.
• Opt for a MK-7 supplement (from natto).
• Take somewhere between 100mcg – 200mcg of vitamin K2 daily, depending on your illness, vitamin D3 supplementation and diet.
• Vitamin K can be beneficial for the prevention and treatment of liver cancer (and possible other cancer too).

Other sources:

General Guideline – Gc-protein products

General Guideline – Gc-protein products   

2ndcolour2       emuolie      flesje         vial7500ng


  flesje• 2,500ng MAF transport protein Spray

This is the low strength spray which delivers approximately 25ng of VDB Protein per spray.
The sprays are designed for sublingual administration (to spray under the tongue) and will be absorbed by the mucous membranes under the tongue. These membranes can very readily absorb the protein from the saline and thus this is an easy way of taking VDBP (or GcMAF) and available to everyone. Another advantage of the spray is that the whole family (including children) can benefit from this medicine as there is usually more than one family member with a suppressed immune system.

Why the 2,500ng spray?
In some cases it might be better to start off on a low dosage and gradually increase the amount of sprays per dosage.
It can be used for non-life-threatening diseases and because of its low strength it’s suitable for children with health conditions.

To see product visit:
flesje• 15,000ng MAF transport protein Spray
This is the high strength spray which delivers approximately 150ng of VDB Protein per spray.
This spray is, just as the 2,500ng spray, designed for sublingual administration and will be absorbed in the same way.

Why the 15,000ng spray?
The 15,000ng contains a significant higher amount of Gc-protein per serving and is therefore more suitable for more serious health conditions.
Some advice to go low and slow, but depending on the gravity of the condition a higher strength can be sensible.
This spray is not advised for autism as there have been side effects reported due to an “over” detoxification process after taking the high strength products.
This spray too can be used next to other treatments and is often advised together with one of the injectable GcMAF.
This spray is a good alternative if you cannot or do not want to inject GcMAF.

To see product visit:


emuolie• Pure Emu oil with 5000ng MAF transport protein
This product is in general used to rub on your veins or lymph nodes and absorbed through the skin.
Although GcMAF mainly works from the inside out (activates the immune system which than attacks the problem) this product can give a relieve to affected skin and painful joints. Rub gently onto the skin and leave for at least 20 minutes.
Emu oil is both non-comedogenic (does not block pores) and easily absorbed by the skin.
When massaged into the skin Emu oil is quickly penetrates and saturates all the underlying tissues. Its action moisturizes the skin and provides anti-inflammatory effects to muscles and joints. Emu Oil is bacterio-static, so bacteria will not grow in it and therefore lasts a very long time. It is non-allergenic and yet no side effects have ever been reported.

Why the MAF Emu Oil?
This product is mainly used alongside one of the other MAF products. For example, on its own it can topically be used for: skin conditions, swollen lymph nodes, joint pains, inflamed body parts etc.
Also, this is a good option if the 2,500ng spray is too low for you but the 15,000ng spray is too high. Apply to your wrist or neck vein and allow 30 min to absorb (so do not wash your hands in this time span just to be sure the entire product is absorbed). Children with skin problems can safely use the MAF Emu Oil on its own.

To see product visit:


vial7500ng• Injectable 1,500ng MAF transport protein
This is the low strength vial for intramuscular injection (in the muscle).
It contains 2.5 ml with 1,500ng MAF protein in total.
An average dose contains 0.20 to 0.25 ml. This means each dose delivers approximately 120ng – 150ng per injection. Most people take 1 injection every 3 days, or 2 injections a week (e.g. Monday and Friday) which would mean this vial can last somewhere between 1 month and 1,5 month.
An advantage of injecting is that you directly deliver the protein into the muscles where it will be absorbed by one of the many capillaries and brought directly to your bloodstream. There will be no loss of protein what so ever.
Make sure you know where and how to inject or that you have someone that can inject it for you.
We advise you purchase 1 ml syringes. Generally this needle sizes are applicable:
– normal legs: 0,7 x 32 mm
– bigger legs: 0,8 x 38 mm
– very thin legs: 0,6 x 25 mm
Make sure you have some disinfectant to use on your skin.

Why the 1,500ng vial?
This GC-protein strength is advised for people with chronic and continuous (but not severe) conditions.
With some conditions you can either use the low or high strength products depending on the severity of your symptoms.
If your symptoms aren’t fairly severe the 1,500ng Gc-Protein will be sufficient.

To see product visit:


vial7500ng• Injectable 7,500ng MAF transport protein
This is the high strength vial for intramuscular injection (in the muscle).
It contains 2.5 ml with 7,500ng MAF protein in total.
An average dose contains 0.20 to 0.25 ml (although cancer patients are advised to go up to 0.5 ml per injection). This means it delivers approximately 600ng – 750ng per injection (1500ng with 0.5ml).

Why the 7,500ng vial?
This injectable is currently the most used strength because it is advised for more serious conditions. If you suffer from a life-threatening, chronic or severe and continuous condition the 7,500ng Gc-Protein will be sufficient.

To see product visit:


Before choosing what product would serve you the best, decide whether your condition is:

– Serious, life threatening
– Persistent, continuous and chronic
– Non-life-threatening

In some conditions combinations are advised. For an “example protocol” please click here

This information is meant as a general guideline. For a personal protocol please discuss with your health practitioner.


The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. All information does not replace advice of your health care provider MD/Dr.

Exercise and the immune system

How does exercise affect the immune system?
When you exercise regularly, there are a number of health benefits that come with it. Your heart gets stronger and is able to pump more blood throughout your body when you exercise. Your lungs get better equipped at handling oxygen and providing it to your organs and to the rest of your body (and remember that cancer hates oxygen!). Your muscles also get stronger as you use them more often. And very important: your lymph system gets moving. Doctors have found that exercise can boost your immune system by providing a boost to the cells in your body that are assigned to attack bacteria. These cells appear to work more slowly in people who don’t exercise than in those that do. As a result, if you exercise, your immune system is better equipped to handle pathogens that could cause you to become sick, or boost your immune system if you already have an illness.
Continue reading

Why is Nagalase important?

  1. Nagalase causes immunodeficiency. Nagalase blocks production of MAF, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can grow unchecked.
  2. As an extremely sensitive marker for all cancers, Nagalase provides a powerful system for early detection.
  3. Serial Nagalase testing provides a reliable and accurate method for tracking the results of any therapeutic regimen for cancer, AIDS, or other chronic viral infection.

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